Recycle Paint
Great explanation on how to properly recycle paint!
We had a blast last night at the annual luau!! We collected clothing donations and E-waste for proper recycling!! Also, some lucky winner got Rockies tickets from our Chief Managing Officer Steve M Berninzoni CAS!! Have fun at the game!
Hard to believe Jason has been one of our Concierge Trash Collectors for 5 years already!! Congrats Jason and keep up the great work!!
July 05, 2018 Highlands Ranch, CO—5280 CWS, Chief Managing Officer, Steve Berninzoni named as a “Leading Man”, in the June issue of Highlands Ranch Lifestyle Magazine. Steve humbly accepts this honor for his work mentoring young adults within the public education system, and through his company, 5280 Community Waste Solutions—A locally owned, Concierge Valet Trash/Recycling
#TBT to the very first time a property promoted our services! Proud to say it’s been 6 years & we’re still servicing that very same property & many more since!
Received great information yesterday from day 2 of the Crime Free Multi-Housing seminar! We can’t wait to apply some of this new knowledge!
Love this list! Perfect breakdown.
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